The best Holidays ever

Not long after I got in to University I begin to feel kind of locked so months later trapped here, me and some school friends had an idea about to travel across de country to meet new p
laces. The plan included living as long as the money last's "on the road". I must confess that I started dreaming about this because there is a song by the north American band "canned heat" called going up the country that talks about travel to new places, this idea of liberty and the awful pressure of architecture made me desire leave Santiago.

Go back to the trip, we choose travel in a small van, and the 7 months’ plan considered living inside the car, that meant somehow, we had to sleep, eat and move in a space smaller than 4 m2. 4 guys in this small car was a terrible idea. Prior of that we planned our trip to the February first, days before we already known how hot the inside of the car could be, anyway we were conscious about the problems that we will went through along as we moved to south.

First day we go to Caleta Horcón, place known as a hippie nest, we  had our breakfast there on the rocks watching the sea, then we go to another beach called Algarrobo, we were hanging around looking for a good place to park and sleep. Fortunately, we remember some old partners that been living close to Algarrobo’s beach, we contact them and asked if we could sleep in their house. They accepted  with no problems, the first day was the longer in the entire trip. 

The story continuous but I don’t want to overdo it too much, so in a shortly version 21 days later we go back to Santiago, after we were almost killed in several times, after one of our mates left us for love, and after we ran away from a gipsy gang that wanted to stole our van. After all of this I think it was a nice trip, we learned some thing about friendship, brotherhood, and how far can go the human hate. 


  1. Hi Seba! Caleta Horcón it´s a interesting place, and their empanadas too much haha see you.

  2. Hi Seba! holidays with friends are always so fun. I'm glad you had a good time :D


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